

Publications 2018: Gray, J.; Dagg, Jennifer (2018): Using reflexive lifelines in biographical interviews to aid the collection, visualisation and analysis of resilience. Contemporary SocialScience, DOI: 10.1080/21582041.2018.1459818. Revilla, J.C.; Martín, P.; de Castro, C. (2018): The reconstruction of resilience as a social and collective phenomenon: poverty and coping capacity during the...

“Mein Traum” …mit Markus Promberger

Leibniz-Jahr 2016: Anlässlich des 370. Geburtstags und des 300. Todestags des Universalgelehrten Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (*1.7.1646 in Leipzig, † 14.11.1716 in Hannover) veranstaltet die Leibniz-Gemeinschaft ein großes Themenjahr. "die beste der möglichen Welten" Unsere Wirklichkeit stellt sich nach Leibniz in ihrer Gesamtheit als "die beste der möglichen Welten"...

Discussion paper on RESCuE project results released by IAB

Promberger, Markus (2017): Resilience among vulnerable households in Europe * Questions, concept, findings and implications. (IAB-Discussion Paper, 12/2017), Nürnberg. The paper shows the results of the RESCuE project, an in-depth qualitative investigation of 250 vulnerable households, their living conditions and socioeconomic practices across nine European countries...

Call for Papers: Household Resilience and Crisis in Europe

Conference: Household Resilience and Crisis in Europe - Invitation and Call for Papers We are pleased to announce the final scientific conference of the EU funded project RESCuE: Pat-terns of Resilience during Socioeconomic Crisis among Households in Europe, led by the Institute for Employment Research IAB....

In memoriam Prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Tarkowska (1944-2016)

The RESCuE team is mourning Professor dr hab. Elżbieta Tarkowska, member of the RESCuE scientific advisory board, who died March 3rd, 2016 in Warsaw. Elżbieta Tarkowska was an oustanding sociologist and cultural anthropologist, co-founder of the Polish school of research on the collective memory, passionately...

Fieldwork conducted in Lapland

NPE team’s researchers Terhi Vuojala-Magga and Joonas Vola have spent this autumn conducting their fieldwork for the international RESCuE project in different locations around Lapland. During the fieldwork in Inari by the sand road to Kuttura they encountered also something unexpected:, the old gold digger’s...

Households’ Socio-economic Practices of Resilience

The RESCuE teams investigated about households’ socio-economic practices of resilience, within the context of crisis and hardship. Each country used purposive sampling methods in order to select an appropriate range of households to take part in a series of interviews, with some further taking part...