Citizens' Resilience in time of Crisis

The EU funded research project RESCuE investigates household resilience in times of crisis. This is based on studying practices and thought of households who are not so well off but manage to get by in difficult times.

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Publications 2018: Gray, J.; Dagg, Jennifer (2018): Using reflexive lifelines in biographical interviews to aid the collection, visualisation and analysis of resilience. Contemporary SocialScience, DOI: 10.1080/21582041.2018.1459818. Revilla, J.C.; Martín, P.; de Castro, C. (2018): The reconstruction of resilience as a social and collective phenomenon: poverty and coping capacity during the...

“Mein Traum” …mit Markus Promberger

Leibniz-Jahr 2016: Anlässlich des 370. Geburtstags und des 300. Todestags des Universalgelehrten Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (*1.7.1646 in Leipzig, † 14.11.1716 in Hannover) veranstaltet die Leibniz-Gemeinschaft ein großes Themenjahr. "die beste der möglichen Welten" Unsere Wirklichkeit stellt sich nach Leibniz in ihrer Gesamtheit als "die beste der möglichen Welten"...

Discussion paper on RESCuE project results released by IAB

Promberger, Markus (2017): Resilience among vulnerable households in Europe * Questions, concept, findings and implications. (IAB-Discussion Paper, 12/2017), Nürnberg. The paper shows the results of the RESCuE project, an in-depth qualitative investigation of 250 vulnerable households, their living conditions and socioeconomic practices across nine European countries...